Betty what her secret was for the best relationships, either personal or professional. Her answer
was simple – kindness. She followed up by saying, “don’t say the hurtful things even if you are
irritable or upset, because that sticks around.”
Each year, I like to find an idea or concept to focus on at CPS. After hearing Betty White’s
kindness comment, I knew kindness needed to be our theme for 2022. Hearing you have cancer
is difficult and scary. At CPS, we recognize the different feelings our clients and family members
might be having. One constant is that we can approach everyone with kindness. A client might
be angry that they received a cancer diagnosis. We treat them with kindness. A caregiver is
worried about their loved one. We treat them with kindness. A client is scared. We treat them
with kindness. It really is our universal reaction to all their different emotional states. I am often
amazed at the transformation that comes from a kind response. The angry soften. The worried
feel a little calmer. And the scared let go of some of their fear.
Cancer Patient Services cannot provide a cure for cancer. If we could, we certainly would. But
while we wait for a cure, we will provide kindness during some of the darkest times of people’s
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an
honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life
around. “ Leo Buscagli
-CEO, Carol Metzger