I am going to share some tough information. You will NEVER be able to go back to NORMAL. At least not in the sense of your “old Normal.” It doesn’t exist anymore.
Like the saying goes…"Normal is just a setting on the dryer". What is Normal anyway? Do you mean the way it used to be? How things were? Did you wish to go back to Normal after you graduated High School? After you got married? After kids?
While many of us do long for the “old days”, we know we can’t go back. And honestly, do you really want to go back? I, for one, am glad I don’t have to relive my teenage years and am super glad my son now sleeps through the night. I don’t ever want those “Normals” back again.
Having cancer is a life-changing event. Just like graduating High school, going to college, getting married, getting divorced, having kids or losing a job. There is a feeling of loss and grieving what used to be. But here is the thing, as you move through that loss you then enter into your “new Normal”.
You have the ability and the capacity to create your “new Normal.” Yes, you are a cancer survivor, now. But that isn’t all you are. Cancer has taught you so many things about yourself. You are Strong. You faced fear and uncertainty. Pretty Big Stuff!! You have been humble and vulnerable. You have given the people in your life the gift of service. You have allowed them to care for you, support you, and love on you. You have allowed yourself to heal. You have taken care of you. Not only has your body experienced change, but you have changed.
You have grieved the loss of your “old Normal” and you have moved on.
And, this new “Normal” looks really good on you!!
#whatisnormal #whybenormal
{At Cancer Patient Services, through the generosity of our donors and supporters we are able to provide healing arts programming and services. If you are a client, caregiver or survivor, please reach out to us regarding counseling, our support groups, and much more to help you find the NEW YOU and your NEW NORMAL.}